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The Pinon Project Family Resource Center
- Emergency support including help with rent, bills, car repairs and more
- Support for your young children to help them develop in the most healthy ways
- Parent and family support groups
- Support and activities for youth
- Suicide prevention
Mancos Food Share
- Food pantry open to all community members
- Free snacks for kids and free summer lunches
- Community lunches
- Food distribution for qualifying community members
- Cooking, nutrition, and gardening classes
- Cat and dog food

Axis Health Systems
- Crisis Care
- Primary Care (including Womens Wellness, Sexual Health & Family Planning, Nutrition & Diabetes Education)
- Mental Health
- Substance Use Treatment
- Dental Care
- Care Coordination
- Jail Services
- Employment and Educational Services (college application writing, resume building, interview practice and more!)
- Detox
- Drug & Alcohol Monitoring
Medicine Horse
- Interactions with horses in outdoor settings to support social and emotional health
- Team building and professional development
- Youth programs
- Individual therapy
Montezuma County Health Department
- Free healthy food for women, infants, and children
- Breastfeeding support
- Nutrition education
- Nursing support for women pregnant with their first child
- Free books for children
- Suicide prevention
- Immunizations
- Car seats and bike helmets
- Youth substance abuse prevention
- Dental clinics
- In home nursing care for adults